The Soweto Gospel Choir was in town and they rocked the house. All 25 musicians over 22 songs, dancing and singing, drumming and strumming for the better part of two hours. From the heights of traditional South African music (sung in Zulu, Sotho or English) to the dig-down-deep of Dylan's I'll Remember You, the ensemble kept the mostly-white audience enthralled.
For the Fun of It - the "Canteen Segment" in which the men gathered around a long folding table and played forks, knives, plates and glasses. Campy, inspired, playful. Left me hoping to replicate the event at my next dinner party. Better than food.
For the Power of It - the "Amazing Grace" rendition which started as soloists taking on each verse, from soprano to a rich baritone, but ended in a full-fledged chorus of tongues. Closed my eyes and I was back in Sarasota, Florida at the Pentecostal Church that used to excite me and scare me in equal parts.